Social media, thanks to titans like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, has grown into being one of the most important means of communication available in modern society. Businesses, social groups, and private citizens meet to exchange details on everything from the funniest cat pictures to employment opportunities in niche fields. Freelancing in the age of social media has changed the game. We’re here to decode social media freelancing.
As a freelancer, it can seem to be a daunting task figuring out how to best utilize these platforms to grow as professional. Thankfully, you will find it is as simple as posting a cat picture once you get used to the platforms!

Connect with Other Freelancers on Social Media
Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter, and LinkedIn have made it easy to connect individuals with similar interests. From dedicated pages on Facebook and LinkedIn to tags on Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr… all you need to do is find a common keyword associated with your field and discover a world of people with the same goals!
For instance, say you are a freelance writer focused on the hospitality industry. Just run a keyword search for both and see what pops up – and don’t be afraid to dive into the posts and see what resources are connected to them.
You will discover something else – many freelancers utilize social media as an ancillary to their main blogging/portfolio operations. Visit their main sites for inspiration as to how to best develop your own and develop connections that can lead to better employment opportunities in the future.

Find Freelancing Clients on Social Media
There are many ways you can use social media to find freelancing clients, ranging from advertising campaigns to reaching out directly to prospects. This method is especially helpful for freelancers targeting small-to-medium sized businesses.
You start the same way that you found other freelancers – many businesses will actively seek out help by posting messages. Just make certain that you have your portfolio ready and that your personal profile is ready to be looked at…
Make certain to keep your messaging consistent across platforms in order to ensure that people do not become confused. This means both in the actual content and the timing – which should be consistent (i.e. once a day or several times per week.)
Clients will be looking for quality, proof of dedication, and a history in the freelancers they hire.

Social Media Trends – How to Spot Them
The freelancing community is highly susceptible to shifts in demands – both in skills and tastes. Keeping up on it can appear to be a nearly insurmountable challenge for newcomers, though in reality you already have access to the tolls needed to automate monitoring and analysis. Here is one awesome tool:
Google Trends
Google Trends goes beyond Geofeedia to provide you with shifts across the entire Internet on a national basis. You can easily spot how current events are changing public interest and make plans accordingly – for instance, spot if you need to pull a planned social media post and replace it with something discussing a natural disaster/crime. After all – more than a few careers have been ruined due to a public relations snafu!

Social Media Hacks – Get Our Free Growth Hacking eBook
Growing your freelance practice has never been easier. Visit us today and receive our free growth hacking ebook – your first step to discovering where you can adjust your current workflows in order to maximize growth. Join the future of freelancing today and see where the next step in your career path can take you!