Why is SEO Important Even If You Are Not Actively Campaigning

Danielle Thompson

Founder @ Freelance Travel Network, Freelancer and World Traveller


seo important

Freelancers deal with all the problems that a large company would, yet with only themselves to tackle them. This includes developing and implementing a spotless website with all of the connected bells and whistles. With limited resources, freelancers must ask themselves: what are the most essential features I need? What should I be optimising for? Is SEO important (or even necessary at all)?

In the age where Google is the place you start to find everything, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essential for your business site and social media accounts.

Here are some of the things you gain by taking the time needed to plan your content with SEO in mind:

Enhanced Readability

Web content best practices has long passed focusing on keyword placement to placing more emphasis on readability. If Google looked at two sites with the same links and keywords, then which would rank higher? The one with better written content will!

How is this possible?

Modern indexing tools include AI algorithms that can parse the content of a page to determine exactly what it is saying. As these tools scan your content, deductions are made from a page ranking if there are grammar and spelling mistakes.

There is no way to know how quickly your site will be re-indexed, as Google has a lot of sites to read! Therefore, it’s essential that you make certain that it is written the best it can possibly be the first time you post.

Reindexing speed is unpredictable regardless of the search engine (Microsoft, Google, Bing). By focusing on producing the best quality content, you start off with a positive ranking while preparing it to be updated in the future.

Enhances Organic Growth

People are now used to sharing everything from cat pictures and cookie recipes to every (good) site they visit. Freelancers should make sure their site worthy of being shared and visited by others by providing the best, most unique content possible. This goes beyond the words and graphics on the page to include details such as:


You need to add new content on a regular, predictable, basis. This will encourage people to keep coming back to read your next post and share them with their own networks.

Usefulness of Content

Make certain that every post addresses the needs of your target demographic. No side trips down Memory Lane, which can (and will!) turn off prospective clients.

Freelancers should recognize that they can provide useful direction to their target market on their blog. For example, if you are a developer you could write about quick tips clients can use when building their website.

seo important

Connection to Other Resources

Make your site the place to go for information on your niche by including up-to-date links to other interesting sites in your niche. Taking the time to be a good player in your industry can lead to referrals from other freelancers!

“Eat Your Own Dogfood”

If you are a web developer, content writer, or graphic designer, it is essential to put your portfolio on display. Your portfolio site should represent YOU! After all, it’s the first thing prospects see when they’re looking into your services. Make sure it represents you by creating everything (within your wheelhouse) yourself.

While not tied to SEO, this approach starts to convincing potential clients of your expertise without you having to say a word. Prospects may be inspired to share your work with others or reach out for commission projects.

Think about it this way – would you go to a graphic designer that used stock images on his homepage?

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