When you run your own business, you need to reach people. With so many ways to accomplish this, your marketing strategy may need to be tweaked. Email marketing is tried and true, but let's face it, it's getting more and more challenging because there are just so many ways that people can reach us. Bonjoro is an amazing tool that help you reach you customers with ease.

You may be tempted to automate aspects of your business, but worry that you will miss out on the real, personal connection with people. Being more efficient is valuable, but so is showing your customers and potential customers that you care to interact with them directly. They know when they're getting a cookie cutter response and may just ignore it altogether. When you freelance for a career this is especially important. You want the correct freelancer tools that make reaching your clients or customers easier.
I struggled with this problem too, but then I found Bonjoro!
What's Bonjoro?
Glad you asked! It's a tool that helps you to send personalized videos to your customers, clients or anyone on your email list. Wouldn't that be much more interesting for them to receive than an automated response? They will feel more valued and then you will be able to both convert and retain more customers. Treat your customers well and they'll want to interact with you!

How I use Bonjoro as a freelancer tool
To welcome members
When you sign up for something online, you usually get a generic confirmation email. How boring. You don't feel excited or that you're going to be a part of something. You know it's an automated confirmation message with no personalization whatsoever.
Instead, I use Bonjoro to make people feel welcome. New members will get a video to welcome them to the Freelance Travel Network. These videos are personalized for each new member. This can help them get more excited and interested in what they signed up for, which is really what you want when you're running a business!
To tell them about myself
As a freelancer, you really are your brand. You need to tell your clients and customers what you're all about. I love to share my personal story with people. Not only does it show them why I began Freelance Travel Network in the first place, it also helps them to connect with me. It shows that I'm a real person with passion behind my business.
With Bonjoro not only is it a video, but it's a video of me in my own words. This is a much more candid and genuine way to share about me and my business. People may skip over bios or it may not display the tone that I like. With a video, I can better explain about me.
To tell them about my Facebook group
Social media is a necessity for businesses these days. You need to use it in order to further build your credibility and interact with your customers. It's important to make sure to respond to any messages or questions in a timely manner. You don't want to ignore any kind of feedback, especially if it's negative. Addressing concerns is all about keeping your business and reputation in good standing. You want and need your customers to be happy. Having a social media presence is essential. It's also a great way to share tips.
Through Bonjoro, I am able to make a personalized video just about my Facebook group. I encourage new members to reach out and engage in the group as well. This is a great way to get to know other freelancers and share ideas about how to improve. Bonjoro helps me to create whatever kind of video I need.
Why I love Bonjoro so much as a freelancer tool and you should too

It's easy to use
When you use a tool for your business, you need it to be easy to learn and use. You don't want to spend a ton of your time trying to learn how to use a difficult user interface. This is time that could be better spent with building your business. You want to use tools that are easy to understand and implement. This tool is both of those things.
You can learn how to use Bonjoro quickly and get it implemented into your marketing strategy. It's a great tool to add and will help you become more engaged with your customers.
It integrates with my current tools
One of the best things is that you don't have to change everything else about the way you do business when you start using Bonjoro. You may be concerned that using a new tool will be difficult and you'll have to completely revamp the way you do things. This is not the case here!
I use active campaign for my email list. What's awesome is that I'm able to integrate this with Bonjoro. This means that any member who signs up for my waitlist through my website will be added to Bonjoro. This saves me a lot of time and helps to streamline my business. Anything that can help me work more efficiently is worth looking into. This helps me make sure that everyone who may be interested receives my emails and my videos.

There's a free option
While I use a paid option, which I'll discuss more in a bit, there is a free option that you can check out as well. If you're not ready to commit to paying for it, this gives a no pressure way to get to use the tool and see if it's right for you. The free version is great and there are a bunch of features to choose from.
Why I choose to use a paid version of Bonjoro

A custom landing page
What's great about the paid version that I use is that it allows you to make a custom landing page for the video that you send. This way you are better able to showcase yourself and your business. People will also understand immediately who the video link is coming from.
I don't blame anyone being skeptical of links that they may not recognize. Not everyone knows what Bonjoro is, so it's important to clarify this when you send your emails. If someone sees the Bonjoro logo, they may think it's spam. You avoid this issue entirely by being able to have a custom landing page for the videos you create.
Use of a GIF as the video thumbnail
When your video uses a thumbnail, you aren't able to alter it. Instead, with the paid version of Bonjoro, you can make it more interesting. You are able to use a GIF instead, which can lead to more people being interested in clicking on it. This gives you a great deal more freedom to tailor things to what you think your potential customers may be the most interested in.
It can increase likelihood of people watching it
You're taking the time to create personalized videos for your customers and potential clients. Don't you want the best chance that they will actually watch them? I understand not wanting to pay for a tool, but Bonjoro's paid options definitely make it worth it with the benefits I described above.
The results I've experience with Bonjoro
I can tell you how great I think Bonjoro is all day long, but results really speak for themselves! Check out my stats below and see what you think.
My Open Rate

When it comes to sending out emails, you need people to actually open them instead of scrolling past an ignoring them. My open rate is 53 percent! It's actually considered a healthy open rate if it's between 20 and 40 percent. Imagine all the people you're missing out on!
My Clickthrough Rate

Since switching from the free plan to the paid plan, my clickthrough rate has been awesome. I'm up to 67 percent, which is much higher than average for any ads out there.
Personalization for the win with Bonjoro
It is the key to success
Personalization is truly the key to success in a world of automated email marketing. People know when they're getting the cookie cutter response and they often times may resent it. They won't feel like they matter to you.
It also sets you apart from your competition. People are more likely to engage when they feel like they're interacting with a real person. They don't want to be lumped together with everyone else.

It makes your business more enjoyable
While it does take more work to personalize messages and videos, it is so worth it. Not only do people want to feel like you're responding to them, you want to interact with your customers. It makes your business so much more enjoyable when you can interact. It can also help get the creative juices flowing.
Check out Bonjoro
For the success of your business, at least sign up for a free 14 day trial and see what you think. This free trial also lets you check out the premium features and see for yourself what impact it has on your business!